Before we get into whether or not kombucha is halal, we need to take a biiig step back and look at what kombucha is, what it's made of, and whether these ingredients are halal suitable.
Of course, we can only speak for Remedy Kombucha. Not all kombuchas are made equal, so everything you're about to read applies to our booch, and our booch only.
Alrighty! Now that we have that teeny disclaimer outta the way... Strap in, folks. We're going deep diving into the big wide world of booch!
What is kombucha?
In the most basic of basic definitions, kombucha is fermented tea.
The old-school way of making kombucha, which we follow at Remedy, involves a natural fermentation of sweet tea with a live culture. This live culture is known as SCOBY, which is a whole other deep dive in itself.
When you brew this combo for thirty days in a warm room, you get a sparkling drink that contains the goodness of live cultures, tea polyphenols and organic acids.
Better yet, it (can be) darn delicious!
What is kombucha made of?
We already know kombucha is made with sweet tea and live culture, but is that all? Not quite! Remedy Kombucha is made from:
Certified organic black and green tea: We use organic green tea for its high polyphenol (AKA antioxidants) properties and organic black tea for its polyphenol properties AND its rich, superior taste.
Live culture (AKA SCOBY): (AAKA Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast). It's what we call a fermentation culture or a fermentation starter that we add to our brews before we leave it to ferment for 30 days. SCOBY is the difference between a regular ol' sweet tea and a bangin' kombucha.
Organic sugar: Hold up. Isn't Remedy Kombucha sugar-free? It sure is, but any ferment needs to be kickstarted with sugar (because of science). During our 30-day brew, all of this sugar is brewed out and converted into organic acids, leaving the finished booch 100% sugar-free.
What is halal?
Halal food and drink follows Islamic law, as defined by the Koran. There is a bucketload of information by people who have far more expertise in this area than we do, so if you're keen to learn more, we suggest seeking out these resources!
However, we are experts in our kombucha, so we can at least speak to whether or not Remedy Kombucha is halal.
Is kombucha halal?
Good news: Remedy Kombucha is halal. The primary concern about kombucha is its fermentation and the number of fermented bevs that are alcoholic.
We rigorously test every batch of booch to ensure it passes all of our quality checks, one of which is ensuring Remedy Kombucha remains non-alcoholic.