Environmental Policy

Here at Remedy Drinks, we’re passionate about making things right and that includes looking after our environment and preserving natural resources for future generations to enjoy.

We know our customers care about the environment and so do we; it’s one of our core values and a vital part of Remedy’s company culture. That’s why we’re working hard to ensure the care and protection of the environment is at the forefront of any business decisions we make.

To demonstrate and reinforce the high priority we place on environmental sustainability, we’ve made a number of commitments including:

  • setting and reviewing measurable objectives and targets to deliver better outcomes for the environment
  • supporting and implementing waste reduction, reuse, recycling and resource recovery programs throughout the company
  • purchasing reusable, recycled and environmentally-friendly products where possible
  • ensuring the environment is considered in our investment and corporate strategies including the products and services we offer
  • adopting the Sustainable Packaging Guidelines as set out by the Australian Packaging Covenant
  • engaging with our customers, employees and shareholders on environmental issues and transparently reporting on our environmental performance
  • complying with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements

View our 2023 Annual Report and Action Plan. 

If you have any questions about our environmental policy or would like to know more, please contact [email protected]